Mochi part 2

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Yes! I found another recipe for Mochi (yes i didn't gave up on Mochi :)) And i want to share it with you! First you need the ingredients ofcourse:

- 2 cups of glutinous riceflour
- 1 cup of water
- 1/4 cup of sugar
- cornstarch

Mix the riceflour with water and sugar

Put the paste on plate, after you've mixed the ingredients. Wrap the plate in plastic foil and microwave for 12 minutes

While waiting for the paste, prepare for the afterwork. Get all the things you want and need for the filling of ricepaste. You can fill it with whatever you like: pieces of fruit, peanutbutter, syrup, honey etc. Because the warming paste gets really really sticky, put a plate filled with a layer of cornstarch. This powder prevents its stickyness.

I smell something burning....OOOOOW NOOO, IT'S MY RICEPASTE IN THE MICROWAVE!!!!! Oh no, oh no, it's too tooo hard now and it smells really terrible :(

Well, today is the day that i need to make the perfect mochi. Let me try it again with another recipe...(Sorry, for recipe i gave you before..)
This time you need the same ingredients but with another amount of each ingredient:
- 1 cup of glutinous riceflour
- 1 cup of water
- 1/4 cup of sugar

Mix the ingredients and put it on a plate again wrapped in foil. Microwave it for 4 minutes.

Well, this is the paste after microwaving it, looks a bit better huh?
The next step is slicing the sticky paste into pieces

Now fill the pieces with whatever you like. Bleh, the paste is getting too sticky. It sticks on everything! If so, wet your hands a bit with water. After filling the pieces, close them ofcourse really really gently. The filling shouldn't been seen. Just a white riceball.

Dust your riceball with some cornstarch to prevent it from sticking

The result
Ugly, misshapen, miscreated Snotchi :(
But well, this time it was actually edible and it tasted a bit jummy. But still, i want to make the perfect mochi. Unfortunately i don't have (and didn't found) the right recipe...

Do you have the perfect mochi recipe?

1 comment about "Mochi part 2":

May 11, 2010 at 9:54 PM

Gatver!!! hahahahaa

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