
Norwegian Wood: the Movie

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One of Haruki Murakami's bestsellers Norwegian Wood has been adapted into a movie. It will be released in december 2010 (Japan)...still 7 months...
With great actors, such as Kenichi Matsuyama (Death Note, DMC, Nana) and Tamayama Tetsuji (Sunao ni Narenakute, Nana, Casshern) this movie must be(come) Jumi's blockbuster!

The story:
When he hears a song of the Beatles, called Norwegian Wood, it reminds Toru of a girl Naoko, the girlfriend of his best friend. He travels back in time when he still was a student, adrift in a world of uneasy friendships, passion and desire. To a time when a woman, Midori, walks into his life. He has to choose between the future and past.

1 comment about "Norwegian Wood: the Movie":

June 6, 2010 at 11:36 PM

I'm reading this book now. But I'm at page 5 so can't tell much right now....

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