
Trip NY

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Yes, I'm back from Manhattan NY. Even though we didn't visited other cities, we've seen a lot of cool stuff in 9 days. Now I want to share some of the highlights with you.

Ofcourse i did some research before I left, and I found out that there was a Sanrio store on 42nd street. I saw cute My Melody cushions, bags and Hello Kitty jewelry, shirts, perfume and much more. Unfortunately the products were very expensive..The address is 233 West 42nd Street.

Next to the Sanrio Store I saw YOSHINOYA, a Japanese fastfood restaurant. I often went there to have dinner when I was in Japan, because it was cheap and jummy. The food here in NY was the same. Rice with sliced beef, chicken, misosoup etc. Ofcourse the customer friendlyness is different than in Japan. It was funny to see only Asians eating in this restaurant. The address is 255 West 42nd Street.

There are many more shops to explore on 42nd street. While walking towards Times Square it got more crowded. There was a big outdoor Yoga-session! But I think they often organize events like these on Times Square.

If you want to experience a real out-of-body-experience, you really need to visit the Max Brenner Chocolate Restaurant (if you still have much money left). From the moment I stepped into this building, I really thought I landed in heaven. The strong smell of fresh chocolate makes almost every woman cry because it smells too good, delicious, jummy, beautiful, perfect, too nice to describe. Unfortunately I didn't brought enough money to eat there, I only visited their shop (in the same building), but I still could enjoy the smell of heaven...uhh fresh chocolate.

Another place that's worth to visit (if you still have much time left) is the Sony Wonder Technology Lab. Even though it is for kids, it's nice to try out new gadgets. For example, steering a robot or try a new sort of dancinggame, whereby you can program an animated character how to dance, according on how you dance (that was really fun to do :)).
There are lots of fun things to do and see in New York. Too much to describe everything here. If you want more info, feel free to post or send JUMI an e-mail.

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