Gomma cookies!

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On a rainy cold dark autumnday, like today, I just want to sit on the couch, watching Doramaseries, with a hot cocoa in my hands and continuously eating cookies, homemade cookies. Ofcourse I don't want to stand in the kitchen the whole day, baking cookies. Well, with this simple (surinamese) recipe I (and you) don't have to..

You only need the following ingredients:
- 225 gr. cornstarch
- 125 gr. sugar
- 1 egg
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 125 gr. butter
Decoration: almonds or coloured sprinkles. And you can also use a cookiecutter if you like.

Stir butter with sugar and vanilla extract well. Add one egg and stir again until it becomes a creamy dough. Now add the cornstarch.

Roll dough into small balls and flatten it. Now you can press a fork to create a pattern on the cookie. Ofcourse you can also use your own cookiecutter to create certain shapes.

Sprinkle or put decoration on it. Bake the cookies for 15-20 minutes in a oven of 180 degrees Celsius. In the meantime, download your favorite dorama.

Yes! The cookies are ready to be eaten. Make some hot cocoa or tea for yourself and enjoy your cookies while watching your favorite dorama!

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