
Jumi on tour: Camera Japan part 1: EATING

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With the anime King of Thorn, we ended our trip to Camera Japan festival 2010. We really enjoyed some aspects of this festival, but we also had to bear disappointments. There were definitely a lot of things to see and to do and to eat.


It was impossible to watch all the films/documentaries at the festival, so we made a selection of 'mustsee'-films. A nice idea was that they organized special filmbrunches, where you can get sushi and other small snacks as a starter, before enjoying the main course: the film. We decided to go. The food in the picture of the brochure looked really jummy... but it wasn't, at all! They served dutchysushi on plastic plates, with a small cake and green beans with some sort of peanutdressing and Udonwater.

No special drinks (we had to pay extra for normal English tea). The sushi rice was, in my opinion, too hard and the things they put in it, hm. :/
The cake tasted like..uhm.. I wish it tasted like something, anything. What a disappointment!
We washed away 'the taste' of it, with chocolate- and carrotcake, which wasn't included or part of the whole filmbrunch. So the starter wasn't a success. And about the main course, the movie 'Pool', well you can read about it later on.

Macrobiotic food
During the festival, visitors could also taste macrobiotic food. Macrobiotic food is mainly vegetarian food that has been planted biologically without using chemicals. Lovely Kyoko-san showed and explained the different dishes to us.

We tried sushi, pumpkincake and small colored nutty snacks.
The nutty snacks tasted weird. It's covered with some sort of greentea-ish powder. The pumpkincake, jummy!! The sushi has been made with brown rice and it tasted good.
We really look forward to see Kyoko-san and try her macrobiotic food again next year!

Visitors could also try different kinds of sake of Yoigokochi Sake Importers. I regret the fact that I didn't buy a bottle of Ine Mankai...jummy..

Besides enjoying the culinary part of the festival, we also went to lectures at Museum Boijmans van Beuningen in Rotterdam. Read more about it, at part 2 of Jumi on tour.

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