
Want be taken care of by a non-human nurse?

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Dolls? No, i'm not a really big fan of Barbies, Bratz, Babyborn dolls, Chucky and other humanlooking dolls, since I was a little Jumi. Some dolls really look scary..looking at you with their meaningless eyes, created to pretend as if they're human. Well, the next scary thing is a robodoll. And I'm sure that it won't take long or we will see these robodolls, in our daily lives. (Now certain scenes of A.I. cross my mind)

Entertainmentcompany Kokoro came up with a new invention. Actroid F. This is a robotnurse who is going to help nurses in Japanese hospitals. At the moment she is still in a testingperiod. I've seen a lot of documentaries about robodolls, but this one...It looks so realistic that it's almost scary. She can move her eyelids, mouth, shake her head and even pretend to breath and she can even laugh! This invention is so good that they've put Actroid F. in the Guiness Books of Records, as the first Android ever. Check out the video about Actroid F. here at Jumi!

1 comment about "Want be taken care of by a non-human nurse?":

November 1, 2010 at 8:47 AM

wow this doll is awesome!!

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