Mos Burger finally overseas?

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One of the jummy things i've eaten, during my trip in Hong Kong, was a riceburger of Mos Burger, filled with veggies seasoned with some sort of soysauce. For me it was a revelation: the freshness (you have to wait a bit long, for the burger to be served, because they're freshly made), the smell, and the taste ofcourse!

If I want to enjoy eating this beautiful, jummy burger again, I have to travel all the way to Asia, unfortunately. Or not?
Well, I have good news (for myself hihi). Recently there has been an announcement that Mos Food Services is planning to open more restaurants overseas, in Europe and the US! 'MOS Food Services President Atsushi Sakurada said the expansion will definitely take place within the next 10 years.'

Hmm, I don't know how long we have to wait, but I will definitely keep you updated. For now, enjoy watching this commercial of Mos Burger.

Source: Asahi

1 comment about "Mos Burger finally overseas?":

January 14, 2011 at 9:15 PM

ik wil proeven!!!

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