Remember those days, where they had (and still have) teddy bears and other cuddly animaltoys, who can talk and say 'Hello' without moving their mouths, only by pressing a button. Hmm, how ' incredible' ...Well, technology 's moving fast and in the near future, you can find teddy bears which are a little bit more realistic.
Recently Fujitsu came up with a robotbear, which shows human expressions and gestures. This robot can be used in hospitals or other carecenters as a companion for ill children and elderly. It's an alternative for real pets. Robobear has tiny little devices on his body, for example a small camera in his nose, special touch sensors and a little microphone. It also has been programmed with 300 different facial expressions, gestures and movements, so it reacts on human eyecontact and physical contact.
It's not the first time that robopets are being used as some sort of companion or pet. A few years ago, a robotic seal, Paro has been introduced. For the next couple of years, I don't think that we can afford to buy Robobear for ourselves :(
So for now, we'll just have to enjoy this video of Robobear (Check out how he moves his eyelids, it's so cute, he moves and looks like a funny old grandpa bear)!
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