Waiting for the bus for 2 hours? That's OK!

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Jumi is a hardcore public transport user. Sometimes I miss the bus and need to wait another thirty minutes for another one to arrive. And well, if it's early in the morning, and I didn't have a coffee, I can get really cranky, waiting for a very very very 'long' time....

It would be different if I just live in San Francisco. Then I don't mind waiting for (one or two) hours for the bus to arrive. Why?

In San Francisco Yahoo installed special touchscreens at twenty busstops where people can play games, while waiting for the bus. Simple games as puzzles and quizzes. The funny thing is, that the games in these busstops are connected with each other, so travelers can actually play against each other. How cool is that! In that way it's possible to battle together with your co-travelers against travelers from other neighborhoods in this city.

Check out the website www.busstopderby.com for more info!

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