Don't throw away your tangerine peel!

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If you have a 9 till 5 job, you definitely must have these days that you don't feel like working or you're just bored. To kill the boringness at work, you just decide to surf on the internet, check out Facebook a trillion times, read useless tweets of your friend who bought new socks, watch silly videos at youtube..

It's time to use your time of boringness properly. Why don't you re-use the fruit you daily put in your lunchbox. Yes, peelings of tangerines, oranges and of other fruit can still be useful. Cut the peelings into beautiful artwork, for example.

Be inspired by artist Yoshihiro Okada. He started to create beautiful pieces by using peelings of tangerines. You can try it too, with his book ‘A New Way to Peel Mikans’ as your little guide.

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