Google into art?

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This pic was taken at Tokyo station, where they displayed posters of int. paintings
What if you're planning your trip to Amsterdam (sorry here I go again, Amsterdam Amsterdam..), you're going to do some hardcore shopping at the coolest stores, visit the chocolatefactory, watch a movie at the Milkyway (=Melkweg) and between all the activities also plan a visit to the loo. Yet you're not sure if you want to visit the famous Van Gogh museum...a quick sneakpeek at the collection might help to decide whether to go or not. And now it's possible! From now on Google offers you a sneakpeek at this museum, with the website

Now you can have a 360 degrees view over different rooms and areas at the museum and also zoom in at paintings, while sitting behind your computer!

Besides the Van Gogh museum, you can also visit sixteen other museums from all over the world, such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York or the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. Hmm, which one shall I visit now....Moma in NY?

Source: Spitsnieuws

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