A homage to Robocop

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I was 6 years old, when I first saw him. Even though he looked a bit scary to me (half man-half machine), he was a good man: ROBOCOP. And after 24 years, he might return to his city Detroit.

Recently a group of artists and fans decided to honor this important man by creating a huge sculpture of him. Unfortunately they couldn't finance the project so an online fund raising period started. With donations of fans/supporters the group already raised $60,488. They still need donations until March 29 to create the best sculpture for Robocop.

Not everybody is very happy with the idea of placing a sculpture of Robocop in the city. Some say it would create an image of Detroit being a city of crime. The mayor isn't eager about this idea either. So even if they raise enough money, they still need mayors' approval. And I really hope they will get his approval. Anyway, if you've forgotten who this legendary cop is, you should check out the video of Robocop, here at Jumi.

If you want to make a donation, you can go to the website www.detroitneedsrobocop.com

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