Become a Jedi: go to the Jedi school

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Maybe when you were younger you might have dreamed about it, after watching the movies a trillion times. Becoming a real Jedi (Star Wars)! Being taught by the one and only Master Yoda, who has the fighting skills, a lot of knowledge and a long loooong life experience.

Now it is possible to become a Jedi (I'm not kidding!). In Chile, Quilpué, they have a real one and only Jedi Temple, a special martial arts school, where children between 6-12 years are being taught the ways of the Force. Besides having normal lessons in reading and math, the young students also learn yoga and taekwondo. Besides that, each kid will have their own replica lightsaber, and with that they will also learn about lightsaber techniques. Wisdom, serenity, nobility and the do or don't attitude are keywords to this special school.

Unfortunately the young students are not being taught by the one and only Master Yoda, but by other instructors. Dressed in special Jedi uniforms these instructors will teach the kids as good as the Master.

Hmm, would this Jedi school be a success? Maybe no, I don't think so. But maybe yes, 30 years ago....Maybe they should set up a Jedi martial arts school for grownups?

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