Jumi on tour: Skunk Anansie @ HMH Amsterdam

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We've waited for a VERY long time (bought the tickets in June 2010), and last friday we've finally seen them: Skunk Anansie at the Heineken Music Hall in Amsterdam. The evening started with supportact The Virginmarys and their music is uhm...well, we were really impatient and excited and we really couldn't wait to see Skunk Anansie perform, so we didn't enjoy the support act to be honest.

Back to Skunk Anansie: after 11 years they're back and introduced songs of their new album Wonderlustre. The opening was awesome. Skin was wearing huge cool things on her shoulders that looked like devilish wings. The lighteffects were fantastic. It was like a thunder, thunder, thunderstorm inside.

Skunk Anansie played new songs (ofcourse) and it took a bit to get used to their new sound. It's not that their sound is extremely different from before. But they've grown, some songs were softer, a lot less 'angrier'. We were glad that they also played old songs like Charlie Big Potato, Secretly, Brazen. And when they played Weak, the whole audience sang along. It was nice to see it.

Skin's vocals are amazing. She still has that powerful voice! Loved it!

A little recording of Weak done by phone..

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