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man licking off his fingers while buttering
A Peanutbutterfloor.
This is actually considered as an artistic object. "Pindakaasvloer" (Dutch for Peanutbutterfloor) is made by artist Wim T. Schippers. This piece of "art" aims to show that in principle everything is meaningless and absurd, but is therefore worth the effort nevertheless.

... I don't know, do you? For me it's useless, meaningless and so not worth it as I am allergic for peanuts. For peanutlovers and for those who wants to enjoy this art live and cannot make this at home, the exposition of Wim T. Schippers will open March 5 at museum Boijmans van Beuningen in Rotterdam, Netherlands.

What are you doing? - I am making a floor with peanut-butter. - Is this a joke? - No it's art.
The man explains it's different than plastering, physically heavy to do this and still loves peanut-butter. :D

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