Richard Simmons becomes airplane safetyinstructor

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Nowadays passengers won't or don't even take their effort to watch the whole safety instruction video on board of the airplane. I can understand that, watching the video out of date just automatically gives you sleepy eyes. So when the video has started, passengers around you are already busy doing other things, they open their books, turn on their I-Pod or 3DS, they look outside the window (even though there's nothing to see, but the wing of the plane), or already fall asleep...

I bet people who'll fly soon with Air New Zealand, will be pretty surprised when they suddenly hear a dramatically happy high voice (instead of the boring video openingtune) of.......Richard Simmons!

(For those who don't know Rich, he's an American fitness instructor, who made a lot of aerobic videos back in the 70s/80s. He's easy recognizable by his tiny curly hair and petit shorts and of course his cheerful, happy voice.)

Hmm, this might be a good idea for other airlines. With a little bit of Richards help, more people will fly in safety. Work it out Rich (and passengers)!

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