Second House restaurant, a place I have visited too often during my stay in Kyoto, Japan. The Second House group of restaurants are best known for their spaghetti and cake. It's a cozy place with the BEST cakes, they were SO jummy! I think I may have tried all their flavours of cake XD
Today I suddenly remembered it again and I wanted to write about it. But sadly their website says that the restaurant I'm talking about, is going to be closed down on April 3, 2011. So if you are near, please take your chance to visit it: It's on the north side of Shichijo, just west of Nishinotoin on the corner with Higashi Nakasuji Street (map).
If you are reading this too late, and if you love cakes (especially home made cakes). Then you should definitely visit one of the other Second House restaurants in Kyoto, *click*.

Hmm.. After browsing through the site I am sooo hungry for these cakes, haha!
I wish there was a restaurant like Second House in Holland.. if you know, tell me!! ^-^
1 comment about "Second House: must-visit for cake lovers":
mmmmmm hongur
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