Cute robot begging for money on the streets

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When I go to the supermarket, I often see this man in front of it: Chuck, playing on his guitar, for a small change. At the station I often see the same homeless guy asking for a small change. I think everybody sees someone asking for a small change, once in a while. But when Douglas MacKrell met this little beggar, I bet he was pretty surpised.

One day Douglas met this cute robot at the 14th st Union Square (NY). He found out that the robot, named Doma, was invented by Minsu Kim. With the help of Doma, Minsu Kim wanted to earn a bit money to pay his bills while he was in America going to school. Check out the video of cute little Doma.

1 comment about "Cute robot begging for money on the streets":

April 16, 2011 at 3:04 PM

i need this

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