Droolable icecream for allergy freaks

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This week JUMI visited a bio supermarket.
And we stopped and drooled at the fridge filled with buckets with these kind of icecreams.

This is icecream by the Dutch brand Professor Grunschnabel. They make icecream on a natural base which is super suitable for people with a shitload of allergies, like me! The icecream is made of water, coconutmilk and fruits says their website.

Hmmm... their flavours are sounding SO yummy, I have to try it!
They even have icecream with thai basil, Madame Jeanette peppers (=instant tearjerker) and spices.

Next time we're gonna buy a pint and post a Jummy-or-Not review!
Keep you posted..

2 comment about "Droolable icecream for allergy freaks":

April 10, 2011 at 11:55 AM

Grunschnabel ja! Was t helemaal vergeten! Heerlijk!


April 10, 2011 at 2:01 PM

Ha Gerrit, jij ook hier?

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