Huge ice cream tower of 63.4 cm!

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It's 25 degree Celsius hot outside, and even though I just finished my ice cream, I'm still longing for more. If I was in Tokyo right now, I would go to THE place, where I can eat an ice cream that big, that my longing for more more more ice cream will fade away.
In Sakura Cafe Mukojimi, located near the foot of the Tokyo Sky Tree tower, they now serve candy-coated ice creams of 63.4 cm high (!). Why? 2008 was the year that the construction started of one of world's largest towers, Tokyo Sky Tree. And last month the tower reached the 634-meter mark. It's ofcourse a good reason to celebrate it....with a huge heavenly edible Tokyo Sky Tree, made from ice!

Jummy, this looks so good! Check out the video about Tokyo Sky Tree, here at JUMI!

(watch from 0:50 to see the huge icecreamtower)

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