MY3D: Hasbro's modern viewmaster

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Do you remember viewmasters, a toy for viewing so called stereo images (an eighties toy)? A viewmaster is a device where you have to put in a round card with pictures. By looking into the viewer you can look at the pictures, with some sort of '3D effect'. If this doesn't ring a bell, scroll down, under the video, to see how the old scool viewmaster looks like.

Now Hasbro came up with a modern version of the viewmaster: My3D. Don't worry, you don't need to insert those old fashioned round cards now. Nope, you have to insert your iPhone or iPod touch. With special apps of Hasbro, which you have to download, you can experience 3D in a new way. Dive into the ocean and see all kinds of fishes, look down and you see fishes, look left and you see a shark, look right and you see plants. Yes, by turning your head (while looking into the viewer) the app will respond to that and will constantly give you another view. It's just like your swimming in the ocean for real! So if you're a 3D freak, you definitely should buy this gadget. It will cost about 35 euros.

oldscool viewmaster

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