From Paris to Tokyo in 2.5 rocketplane

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It sounds surreal, traveling from Europe to Japan in 2.5 rocketplane. Well, according to the European aircraft organization EADS, it actually can happen within 40 years!

Last Saturday EADS introduced the newest invention of a supersonic aircraft, the so-called Zehst. The aircraft will take off with normal engines. Once it's flying high enough in the air, superrocket-engines will take over the normal ones. And with flying high, I mean really high. A normal aircraft flies up to 10 km. With Zehst it can reach 32 km. And it's superfast. With that, Zehst runs on biofuel, so it's environmental friendly.

Wow, imagine that you have a day off, and make a decision (last minute) to go to Akihabara for a shoppingafternoontrip. How cool is that!

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