Outrage by Takeshi Kitano

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Finally I finished watching Takeshi Kitano's new movie Outrage. And I loved it! Outrage is about the battle of power between Yakuzaclans. The big boss of a huge organized crime syndicate, Sekiuchi, orders his lieutenant (Ikemoto) and his assistant, to bring the unassociated Murase family in line for their drug trafficking business. Instead of doing this task by himself, the lieutenant passes the task on his subordinate Otomo, who runs his own group. Ikemoto is suspecting that Sekiuchi has lost confidence in him and instructs Otomo to "shake up" Murase as to make it look like that have "a little quarrel". What ensues is series of violent events in between which everybody is trying to trick everyone behind his back for their own benefit.

Of course Takeshi Kitano plays the role of Otomo perfectly. A huge disappointment was to see the acting performance of the foreign embassy. It's like it was his first time acting in a movie...really fake, definitely a B-actor.

If you want to see this movie, I really recommend you to increase the volume of your speakers. It would be much better if you also have a dolby surround home theater set, 3D-digital TV or something like that. Why? Some scenes just need to be watched, and definitely listened, with maximum volume (dentist scene, finger-sacrificing scene, haha...no I'm not a freak).

You can watch the English subbed movie here.

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