
Jumi on tour: Limp Bizkit @ HMH Amsterdam

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Yesterday Limp Bizkit was performing at Heineken Music Hall (HMH) in Amsterdam. One thing of the whole gig that HAS to be mentioned first: the outfit of Wes Borland was awesooooooome! Unfortunately I couldn't take a great picture of his look, so I've borrowed this one from the internet hehe..

The gig was cool, it had some funny interludes like Vogeltjesdans or some dancemusic.
Unfortunately one song, Behind Blue Eyes was false XD and the whole part with rapgroup Dope D.O.D. or something, did nothing for me. But the oldies, like Nookie, Break Stuff and Take a look around and the new tunes like Gold Cobra and Douche Bag made it all up. I had fun!

I made a clip, but it's soooo low quality...sorrysorry...

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