Cool down with aircospray and necktie

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We had bad weather lately, rain, wind and some rain again. I had to wear my scarf, even though it's summertime. But when I woke up this morning, someone finally smiled at me: the beautiful sun! Real   summer weather returned to my little country, including high temperatures. Unfortunately high temperatures also mean......perspiration. That means sitting in an overcrowded bus, forced to smell human odor, watching people passing by, with watery foreheads and dark circles under their armpits. Of course the solution is deodorant, but this doesn't cool you down.

Now there are some new inventions to refresh yourself (or the passenger in the bus sitting next to you):

It looks like a normal deodorant spray, but instead of 'perfume', real cold air of -40 degrees Celsius comes out of the can. Spray it on your shirt, to prevent those ugly circles under your armpits.

And necktie readers, you might like this invention:

Just pull down your tie and activate the fan, hidden at the top of the tie. So you'll look (well, uhm, if you like boring designs) and feel cool, all the time, without a watery forehead, even when it's 40 degrees.

Say hello fresh air!

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