Shoe vending machine at the club

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Even though I'm a woman too, I sometimes don't understand those women, who are going to the club (to dance of course) and after a short time, start to nag about the fact that their feet hurt. Why? Because they dance too much? Nope, because they're wearing high heels, even though they know they can't wear them too long. Uh, right....

Now a club in Antwerp, Noxx, came up with something that might be interesting for clubbing women: the shoe vending machine! If your feet hurt so bad, just go to the vending machine and buy some ballerina's (flat shoes). It will only cost twelve euro. And then you can continue the party. Maybe, if it's a success, we might see these vending machines everywhere in the near future. For now, I suggest to  wear your sneakers or other flat shoes. Why torturing yourself with silly high heels of ten centimeters....

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