World's smallest sushi

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A few days ago we've seen a video of the giant sushi. Now I've found a video of ultra tiny sushi. This one will not be served in a restaurant, but it's a project to make people aware of appreciating the small things in life. Because, well, we do live in a society where everything gets bigger, or must become bigger and bigger.

Here are some wise words of the creators of this project (Dave Seah, Hwee Chong Chan and Jody Yeoh):

Are we so consumed by all things big that we lose ourselves in them?
What if fulfilment rests on a grain?
What if we can find purpose in small things?
Like humility, simplicity, and even significance?
Take rice, the staple food for the world. A grain so humble and infinitesimal. Yet, a cradle of life for so many.
Seek out the small.
For within them, we find greatness.

1 comment about "World's smallest sushi":

September 4, 2011 at 8:11 PM

bleh, tummy won't accept these. too tiny.

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