Multiply yourself with 3D masks

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Imagine this: you walk into a dark street, a deserted alley, or just a dark room. All of a sudden you see people (20 or something) surrounding you, with black capes on, so you can't see their faces. But then they pull down their capes, all together, revealing their faces...... Ieeeeeeek, OMG, WT......THEIR FACES! They all look like you! This could be a script for JUMI's horrormovie, just fiction....or not?

Nope, nowadays it is possible to multiply your face with 3DPF, 3 Dimension Photo Forms, of the Japanese company REAL-f. And just like the company's name says, this print looks so real. How does it work? The company shoots pictures of different sides of you face and then they print it on a special resin stretched of a mold. Even (not so nice) details such as acne, blood vessels, will be printed. So if you just love your face, you can order your own faceprint for almost 3000 euros. (Or if you want to make your own horrormovie...)

Go to and for more info or pictures.

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