
Cameraless camera: Air Clicker

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Have you ever been a photographer for at least one day when you were still at primary school? Well, I was. Even though I didn't have a camera when I was 7, I still could make some pretty cool pictures, by using my fingertops (as if holding an invisible camera). Click! Many year later people would call me idiot if I'm using my invisible camera again...

Now designer Yeon Su Kim came up with something really awesome. It's an 'invisible camera' that really creates pictures by of course using your fingertops. You just have to wear small special rings (or bands). One on you thumb and the ring with the shutter button on your forefinger. When you bend your forefinger, as if pressing the real button, it senses the tension and click! There you have it, your picture taken by your thumb and forefinger. The rings are connected with bluetooth, so you can see your pictures immediately on your smartphone. How cool is that! So next time you see someone making those movements with the hands, as if taking a picture, don't call him/her idiot again.

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