
Top 5 evil bitches in doramas

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I think what makes an Asian drama a real dorama is having at least one mean bully in it.
So I decided to make a top 5 of evil bitches in dorama's ever.

1. Oh Yoon-Joo in My Princess
This evil woman is playing a very dirty game to make Korea's imperial family shake. Warning: she makes you swear while watching!

 2. Park Hwa Young in Me Too, Flower!
She is so mean! Or is she blinded by selfishness? Leave the guy alone!


3. Kim Joo Won's mother in Secret Garden
Moon Boon Hong. I can't stand her.

4. Friends of Han Ji Eun in Full House
These so-called friends Hee Jin & Dong Wook suddenly sold the house of Han Ji Eun and took all her money to pay off their debts! And they keep coming to her and call themselves her friends. Ughh

5. Mae Ri's father in Mary Stayed Out All Night
Yes, this obnoxious dad (Wi Dae Han) belongs in my top 5 of evil dorama bitches too! He couldn't stop forcing his daughter ridiculously to marry some other (handsome) dude.

Turns out my top 5 contains only bullies from Korean doramas. Funny!
Do you have a top 5 too? I would love to hear them. Share your thoughts here below :)

1 comment about "Top 5 evil bitches in doramas":

December 21, 2011 at 6:40 PM

OK, after seeing episode 12 of Me Too, Flower! Park Hwa Young is definitely the winner.

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