Chololi: Nose Hair alert

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The day has come. You're meeting a friend you haven't seen for a while. And now, finally, he/she is sitting in front of you. And the first encounter is uhm.....What if you're dying to say that one thing, that might sound offensive. But it's bugging you the whole time, because, well, you're confronted by it, every time you're looking at that person. Finally the solution came: Chololi. Yup, this is an online message-service for people who are a bit afraid to tell a person, face to face, that......his or her nostril hairs are too visible or just toooo long! The service was only available in Japanese, but now also in English.

This is how it works:
  • Go to the website
  • Here you can fill out a form with questions (for example on which side of the nose the noticeable hair are showing) and send it anonymously to the long-nostril-haired person
  • Now the person knows, that some action is required, before a whole nose beard grows out of the nose.

Next time you're meeting that person, he or she will have beautifully trimmed nostril hairs, thanks to the alerting service Chololi.

    source: odditycentral

    1 comment about "Chololi: Nose Hair alert":

    January 26, 2012 at 9:04 PM

    HAha nice, i tried it out immediately!! :D

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