JUMI on tour: IFFR 2012 Ace Attorney (review)

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Yesterday we've been to Ace Attorney at the International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR). They showed the movie at the Oude Luxor theater and it was packed! All the seats were taken, and I can understand why. Today was a special day. Before they started the movie, there was a Big Talk with the director Miike Takashi. Journalist Gawie Keyser interviewed the director (live, with audience!) about his film and his view on moviemaking.

And then Ace Attorney started.

Rookie Phoenix Wright has just became an attorney and started his first case. Then his mentor attorney, Mia Fey got killed. According to a witness, the only person who was in the same room, when Mia got killed, was her own sister, Maya. Maya might have killed her own sister? Phoenix Wright doesn't believe that she killed her and after some investigation, he proves that she is innocent and finds out that the witness did it! Phoenix Wright wins the case, so everybody's happy now, or not? Another problem occurred. His old friend, who's also an attorney (and also defended the witness/murderer of the case of Mia) has been suspected for murder. And there seems to be a link with the Mia case. Now Phoenix Wright wants to defend his old friend. It's a tough case. Will the rookie attorney solve this case and save his old friend?    

Ace Attorney was funny and entertaining good for its genre. If you love courtmovies, then this is definitely a must-see. It was nice to recognize elements of the Nintendo DS game in this movie. Funny to see the same hairstyles of the game characters. I like the way how huge blue transparent touchscreens pops up during a case showing evidence, it just gives the movie that extra game-ish feeling. So the movie might be more enjoyable if you know the game/manga, yet good to follow for those who aren't familiar with it.

They day ended perfectly. After the movie, we immediately went outside and guess who we saw...Miike Takashi! Aaaaah! From now on our pink JUMI member will never wash her hair again :)

1 comment about "JUMI on tour: IFFR 2012 Ace Attorney (review)":

January 30, 2012 at 9:26 PM

'Vind ik leuk'! :)

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