Buy your own Boo!

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Boo, the world's cutest dog! And his fame still rises. It all started when Boo's boss, put some pictures of Boo on the internet in 2009. As a joke the boss also made Boo's own Facebookpage and guess what, now he has 3.222.489 likes on his Facebook! Yes, besides being the cutest, I think he's also world's famous dog now. Boo even has his own Boo-book, with lots of photographs.

Ahh, don't you want to have your own Boo? Well, now you can have your own...

At the toyfair in New York this week, a plush version of Boo has been introduced.

Yup, from April 1, you can buy your own Boo in toystores. It's a lot less expensive than buying the real Boo.

Hmm, would you buy a plush Boo? Or do you want the real Boo?

Source: gizmodo

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