Hello Kitty got swag: Hella Kitty Swag!

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So Hello Kitty has got some swag? Hmm, I think we can argue all day on this. Whether she has it or not, producer Starscream decided to make a song with some swag, Hella Kitty Swag. Hahaha, I really didn't know what to think about it, when I saw this music video for the first time. It's just too nuts, hilarious, bad, crazy funny. Well, you should check it out yourself...

Oh, by the way, before I get messages, phone calls, doorbell rings and mail: I am not the glassy girl in the video :)

Source: kittyhell

2 comment about "Hello Kitty got swag: Hella Kitty Swag!":

February 28, 2012 at 9:12 PM

Omg, she sings swag but is everything but swag

March 5, 2012 at 9:11 PM


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