JUMI on tour: IFFR 2012 Tokyo Playboy Club (review)

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Yesterday we went to see the movie Tokyo Playboy Club of director Okuda Yosuke, at the International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR). The theater was almost packed and a couple of seats in front of us were reserved. Hm, I wonder why, because one guy frequently played with his stupid smartphone and some others left halfway the movie. HM, whateverrr...

The story starts at an outdoor workplace where we meet Katsutoshi, the leading man of the movie. While he and his collegues are working, a student pops out of nowhere, nagging about that he can't study because of all the noise the working men make at the workplace. Suddenly the student totally freaks out and wants to hit the collegues with a giant hammer. And then Katsutoshi, calmly as he is, kills the student, by hitting him once. After this incident Katsutoshi flies to Tokyo, to his friend Seikichi, owner of an unsuccesful club. Here he meets some interesting people: the barman of the club, a real loser(1) who stole some money from the club and now has to 'force' his girlfriend to be a hostess for that same club. And he meets another loser(2) at a restaurant. This loser acts stupid agressive towards Katsutoshi. But ehm don't mess with Katsutoshi or else...So Katsutoshi totally beats him up. And then loser(3), a wannabe gangsterboss with tattoos, who looks o so dangerous, but in reality is a...real loser (haha, funny to see when you find out why he's just a wannabe gangster loser). And then something happens to the gangsterboss. Katsutoshi finds him dead in a room of a lovehotel. And the only person who was in the same room at the moment, was the girlfriend of loser(1). Hmm what to do with the body. Well Katsutoshi knows...and then a hilarious scene starts.

Well, I don't want to tell the whole story of Tokyo Playboy Club, but this movie has some really good hilarious scenes. And it's all supported with some typical nostalgic accordion music. The ending theme really fits the whole feeling of the movie: raw and bloody funny. Yes, it's a funny gangstermovie with some goofy characters and the cool guy Katsutoshi. If you want to see Tokyo Playboy Club, don't have a Hollywoodmovie expectation that people get killed every five minutes. Some scenes were a bit too long (for example, when the girlfriend is wandering around in a store).

Anyway, it's Okuda Yosuke's (1986) second movie (after Hot as Hell trilogy), and if he's already directing a movie like this, at such a young age, I really wonder how his movies will be like in the future. Hmm, I'm already looking forward to see Yosuke's next work.

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