How would Facebook in the 90's look like

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Nowadays a lot of people couldn't imagine living without social media. Some people really do live by it, communicating everything digital....because it's easier and faster. It takes seconds to upload a new profilepic from your smartphone, just as it take seconds to send a friendrequest (stupid people who send you a request to become friends, because they like your picture. Or just to have a longer friendlist, because then it shows your 'popularity').

Imagine how social media would look like 20 or 30 years ago. This medium definitely wouldn't be easier or faster to use (especially when using Netscape haha). This short video from Squirrel-monkey shows a demonstration of a Facebook 20 years ago. Of course it's fiction. But the video is so funny oldfashioned!

2 comment about "How would Facebook in the 90's look like":

April 4, 2012 at 10:23 PM

XD netscape XDDDDD

April 4, 2012 at 10:24 PM

XD netscape XDDDDD

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