Lickable wall jummy?

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I've always fantasized about being in the real chocolatefactory of Willy Wonka. Remember the scene (of the '70s version, not the nightmare remake) where all the children had to stand and were allowed to lick the wall? Ahhh that was a tasteful scene, because the wallpaper tasted jummy...mmmm. I wish it was real...

Well, today I found out that this fantasy can become reality! At a communications company Engine’s offices in London, they have installed the worlds first lickable elevator! The elevator has 1.325 Jaffa Cakes stuck on the walls. No, I'm not kidding. Hm. Now I'm not sure if I really want to fulfill my fantasy. The idea that hundreds of people have already licked that cookie that you've also chosen. Yuk, what if someone licks that cookie after drinking disgusting bittersour coffee...IEEEUUWWWW! No, thanks, even though it looks tempting, I will not lick this wall...

Source: thesun, incrediblethings

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