Eat your OWN homemade meal at Basis Bar

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Having diner with your friends at a fancy bar/restaurant with your own food? And without being the chef at this place? What the..who the...ehm... for real? Yes, that was what I thought when I heard about Basis Amsterdam.

Basis Amsterdam is a bar where people are allowed to bring their own food, homemade or just ordered at the local pizzeria (for example). And enjoy their own meal together with friends. Yes, it sounds odd, but I don't think this is a useless concept. First of all, the bar provides dishes and cutlery. So if you're too lazy to wash your own dishes, just eat at this place and they'll do it for you. There are even microwave ovens where people can heat up their food. And it's a perfect place for people who don't have enough space at home for having dinerparties. So this way, people can still enjoy the experience of eating out with friends, without spending a lot of money (well, you only have to pay for your drinks).

Hmmm, too bad that I have to travel all the way to Amsterdam. It would be nice if I can enjoy my jummy-smelling meal (while others enjoy the smell of my meal too) of delicious aromatic Natto (=fermented soybeans) with a fruity dessert of fresh pieces of Durian (yellow Asian fruit) outside home. Check out the video of Basis Bar, here at JUMI!

Source: basisamsterdam, odditycentral

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