Videogame villain wants to be good: Wreck-It Ralph

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Do you think bad guys in videogames always love to play the bad guy? No, of course not! They just have to act that way. Just like the good guy characters, such as Super Mario. Have you seen the documentary about how he is in real life? (If not, click here) Anyway, enough about Mario, let's go back to the bad guy character. There is one 'bad guy' who's really tired of his bad image: Wreck-It Ralph (Reilly)!

Yes, recently Walt Disney Animation Studios introduced a new 3D computer-animated comedy Wreck-It Ralph. It's about Ralph who's playing the bad guy for thirty years in a videogame. Now he wants to prove he CAN be a good guy. So he escapes his game, and now he's trying to play the hero.

The movie will be released on November 2, 2012. Anyway, the trailer looks so funny! There's a part where Ralph is in a bad-character meeting. Then he says: "I don't wanna be the bad guy anymore". The bad guys are really shocked by hearing it: Bowser is spitting fire, Zangief is flabbergasted and Pacman's annoying little ghost suddenly turns blue. I really need to see this movie! Check out the trailer, here at JUMI!

2 comment about "Videogame villain wants to be good: Wreck-It Ralph":

June 13, 2012 at 4:16 PM

Where is the like facebook button on this post :)

June 13, 2012 at 5:28 PM

Its temporarily offline, we're getting a make over soon!! :D

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