Brain-controlled headphones by Neurowear

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OK, first they invented cat-ears for humans to wear. Ears that can move really cute by using your brainwaves. Then they've introduced brain controlled tails. Wear this tail and everybody can see when you're feeling excited. And now Japanese company Neurowear came up with their newest invention: Brain Wave-Sensing headphones!

Say what? Yup, it's Mico! This is a new type of headphone that plays with your brainwaves too. The headphones are connected to a sensor that rests on your forehead. This way it measures your brainwaves, so it will sense your mood. And then it will automatically play music on a special app, that matches your mood. So, get mooore excited by hearing Lee Min Ho singing, or increase your depression by listening to Akon.... in the future. For now the special app has about 100 tracks. But I think they will put more tracks in the future. Check out the video, for a short explanation.

Source: geekologie

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