Take a bath in sawdust

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Some love to relax in a bubble bath. Some in a chocolate bath (mmm chocolate..) or a noodle bath. And people who love to take a bath in red red wine. And there are people who just loooove to relax in a bath of sawdust. Yup, that kind of dust that comes from wood which is cut, grinded and so on.

But this bath seems to be special because it's healthy! Cover your whole body in sawdust. Relax for just 15 minutes and it seems to "improve circulation, cleans skin and helps with muscle pain...". And the temperature in this bath will go up to 40 degrees Celcius. So you'll be sweating and smelling as hell... but it's healthy!

Hmmm, I think you should be careful with your eyes when taking this bath. What if a little splinter of that sawdust gets stuck in your eye, ieeeeekkkk! But as I said before, it's healthy!

Anyway, if you want to get buried in sawdust for 15 minutes, you just have to pay ¥6,300 (about 50 Euros). Ieeeek! But it's healthy. The only thing you need to do, is just fly to Japan (again).

Source: odditycentral

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