Wear a furry chest hair coat

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People who loooove to wear animal furry coats, WAIT, before you buy a new one! Check this out: the coat made out of human (duh) chest hair! Nice.

No man has been harmed during the process of making this coat made out of a million individual hairs. So, you might think that this coat is something created by some kind of animal rights organization or an anti-fur-protester. Nope, it's not.

' The coat was commissioned by milk drink for men, Wing Co., as a protest against the widespread 'manning-down' of British men, typified by clean-shaven chests and emasculating fashion.'

Riiighhtt, but why the hell did they use this male model, who doesn't have one piece of chest hair, hmmm..... He looks sad though. Maybe it's because he doesn't have any hair...

Anyway, if you're interested in this human coat, you can have it for £2,499 (€2887,54).

Source: geekologie

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