Dorama tip: 3 Days

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No soppy lovestory here, this is... Reallll Actionnn....

I am talking about the new Korean series 3 Days starring Park Yoo-Chun and Park Ha-Sun. And also So E-Hyun, who has a familiar face to K-dramafans. The series just has started and I am already enjoying every bit of it. The excitement and storyline is super thrilling. And there is also Real Action. ;)

The plot is about the Korean president who disappears after three gunshots at his holiday villa. What is happening in those 3 days after that incident? Where is the president?? Is he... dead?? Bodyguard Park Yoo-Chun finds out early that there is some foul play going around.

Check out the teaser:

He says something like:  Unless you kill me first, you can't kill the president.

I always find Korean thriller movies awesome. So you can imagine my opinion of this drama. The quality is top-notch.

There will be 16 episodes in total. I say, bring it on! Woohoo!

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