Hamsterbutt becomes trend

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Hammert's buttocks, my new fluffy hamster

Forget Lee Min Ho's and Lee Byung Hun's buttocks. It's time for some hamsterbutts! Yup, in Japan fans are going crazy with photos of butts of these little cuties.

A lot of pictures are collected in photobooks. “The photos in the book are all shots of hamuketsu,” Yukako Minami, a spokeswoman at Sekai Bunka Publishing Inc., said" (Hamuketsu=hamsterbuttocks). And the books are popular! Now there are just two photobooks, but in total there already has been sold 40.000 pieces!

"Male hamsters appear to be more popular because they have bigger and rounder buttocks, according to the publisher. The pictures of furry roundness help “soothe the hearts” of viewers, said Ms. Minami."

Sweet, it reminds me of my little hamster who passed away a few years ago... Anyway, if you totally loooove hamster butts and you can't get the photobook, you should check out the hamuketsu facebook page: facebook.com/hamu.ketsu Looooovely, isn't it?

rip harmpje hammie hamster
Source: The wall street journal

1 comment about "Hamsterbutt becomes trend ":

May 23, 2014 at 7:07 PM

Sooooo cute!!! Mis my hamsters Mouse and Bear...

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