Videogame live action series coming soon: Street Figher Assasin's Fist

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I'm not a very big fan when it comes to live action videogame adaptation movies. Remember Street Fighter with our blonde hunk *ahum* Jean Claude van Damme as Guile. I've seen it once and never again. Now there's a new Street Fighter coming soon: Street Figher Assasin's Fist.

This is a creation of Joey Ansah and Christian Howard. Street Figher Assasin's Fist is a series of 12 webisodes. And it will be released on May 23th! Check it out on the Machinima YouTube channel.

I don't know how it will be. But I've seen the trailer and it looks ok. Well, it definitely looks better than Street Fighter the Movie.

Check out some more trailers here.

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