Jumi on tour: Camera Japan 2014

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Yes, this year too we went to filmfestival Camera Japan in Rotterdam. And hm. It looks like we're seeing lesser films each year. Last year we've seen two films. And ahum, you can guess how much films we've seen now: one.

Aarrghhh, yup the filmschedule. It didn't fit with our schedule (yup, taking a day off from work wasn't an option, because this, in the eyes of nagging bosses isn't a 'urgent reason' to take a day off. OK, enough nagging about work). So we've only seen Unforgiven starring Ken Watanabe. This is a remake of Clint Eastwood’s 1992 western. Now it's taking place in Hokkaido in the 1880's. The story is about an ex-samurai who gets hired to revenge the mutilation of a young prostitute. The film is not really my cup of tea, but I don't think it's really bad or whatever. The story is slowly paced, therefore I got bored in the longer scenes, so you shouldn't expect hardcore action. The interesting thing is that the Ainu (native people from Japan) played a small part in the film. Interesting because in 'old movies' I often see the focus on Samurai and geishas. Is it worth watching it? It's OK to watch it at a rainy Sunday afternoon. But if you're already in a nagging mood or tired hm.

The festival (location Rotterdam) is pretty much the same as last year. There was a small market, artwork, performances. The filmschedule didn't fit with our schedule. Too bad. Because the few films (two) we really wanted to see where shown on crappy days during crappy times. So about the offer of films... hm. OK, last year we've seen two films, this year one. Next year zero?

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