This mv from OK Go won't let you down

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OK, we still don't have reached the weekend, where we show you the music video of the week. BUT I just saw this mv and I couldn't wait to show you this. This time a mv of American band OK Go with I Won't Let You Down.

OK, this happy song isn't really my cup of tea, but the music video is sooooo coooool!! The guys of the band drives on a cute little Uni-Cub Beta scooter. OK cool... And you'll see umbrellas, peope holding umbrellas, dancing. OK cool... BUT it has been filmed with a drone flying over the dancing umbrellas. And the result is soooo cool! From 3:36 you'll see different colors coming together creating some kind of computer screen-ish view. Coool!!

OK, enough talking, just check out the video, here at JUMI!

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