It's about a boy, who's mom suddenly dies. He's crying and his tears are falling on a stuffed doll his mom gave him in the past. Then something happens and the doll comes alive! The doll tells him he can bring his mom back to life, or well, you, the gameplayer, need to help him. Check out the trailer, it's beautiful!
Studio Ghibli into games
For about two years i'm trying to finish most of my Nintendo DS-games. Now I think it's time for me to 'buy' and play a new videogame. And i might know which one to buy...unfortunately I have to wait till autumn. It's the role playing videogame Ni no Kuni, developed by Level-5 and Studio Ghibli. A couple of days ago I've heard that they will also develop the game for PS3 (launched in 2011). The creators revealed that both versions are being developed separately from scratch, so the data, specifications etc. might be a bit different, except for the actual story.
It's about a boy, who's mom suddenly dies. He's crying and his tears are falling on a stuffed doll his mom gave him in the past. Then something happens and the doll comes alive! The doll tells him he can bring his mom back to life, or well, you, the gameplayer, need to help him. Check out the trailer, it's beautiful!
It's about a boy, who's mom suddenly dies. He's crying and his tears are falling on a stuffed doll his mom gave him in the past. Then something happens and the doll comes alive! The doll tells him he can bring his mom back to life, or well, you, the gameplayer, need to help him. Check out the trailer, it's beautiful!
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