Dir en grey, my inspiration and favorite band. The only band I would travel far for to see them. So I did. August 3, 2010 they would give a concert in the venue KOKO in London, UK. Ofcourse I flew to London and enjoyed Dir en grey live.
KOKO is a very nice to see venue. Great vintage theatre look.
It's located in Camden in London. Camden Town is a must-visit if you are into indie fashion! Luvv the shops there.
When I arrived at KOKO, I bumped into Dir en grey's crew with a camera. Ofcourse I yelled Come to Holland into it. Hopefully it will reach the DVD :D
KOKO was packed that night as it was sold out completely! It was hard to find a good spot!
Dir en grey did what they came for, they delivered an amazing show. From my place I had a good view of Shinya (drummer), a beast behind drums!
The brutal deep sounds of bass and drums shooked the venue!
Enjoying the song ZAN live was the best!!!
I have seen them quite a few times in Europe now and Dir en grey never bores me! But visiting one of their huge shows in Japan is still on my wishlist! And hopefully they will return to Holland really soon.
This is a little recording by me of the song Shokubeni:
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