Camden Town

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Ok, if you love shopping and you are in London, UK? Then you MUST visit Camden Town.

Out of all shopping districts of London I was most surprised by Camden Town.
Let me share you my little walking guide perfect for 1 day! (^^)

Just take the underground or bus and step out at the station called Camden Town. It's a neighbourhood located north of London. When you take the right exit of the station, you see many shops with rock, punky clothing and accessoires such as chains and cool buckles. This is Camden High Street. Also lots of English souvenirs can be found in these shops. There are some small interesting boutiques in between which are really worth to enter! Just the building of the shop is cool to see! I also saw a lot of photographers making photos of clothing or people. I guess they are probably working for fashionmagazines, as there was some new and unique trends to be seen on the streets!

Harajuku in London
If you walk out the Camden High Street, you see a big sign which says: CAMDEN LOCK.
Now this is the place for all the indie fashionlovers, starting fashiondesigners, one of a kind clothing, alternative, vintage, handmade clothing, visual kei, lolita and goth and so many more styles. I loved the way how starting designers can sell their clothing or art. Some are a bit too expensive and some are very walletfriendly. Also you can find a lots of cute stuff. Me as a cute stuff lover couldn't resist the Hello Kitty shaped cookingpan and the big mushroom pillow! This place reminded me alot of Harajuku's Takeshita street in Tokyo. Oh I also found Pocky banana, yum. :D

The Camden Lock Market is a maze with all the little shops in it. But you can find your way very easily as it's so fun to browse all shops. Next to the market you have the Camden Lock village, where you can relax on those funny shaped seats and enjoy warm food.
If you walk through the Market, you can't miss the Camden Stables Market. This place is surrounded by horsestatues. Besides clothing you can find many interiorshops here too. And don't forget to visit CYBERDOG. Wow, that shop is cool even if you aren't into cybergoth. This shop is like a club from inside. Unfortunately photos & films were prohibited inside. But check out this video I found on youtube:
I was surprised by finding the gothic lolita shops in the market. They had awesome suits and dresses where I fantasized to walk in next to a sexy vampire straight out of Vampire Knight *hihi* Check this clip:

Chocolate treats
Well, if you seen all the shops of Camden Lock market, then you can go out of it and return to Camden High Street on the other side of the street. Please visit The Chokolatie Zone, they have delicious yummy chocolate fontains, chocolate covered fruits, waffles and smoothies! :9

By the time I enjoyed my smoothie of The Chokolatie Zone, closing time was near and all shops were closing. Such a pity! I am sure I have missed some parts of Camden Town and haven't seen all of it. Next time I visit London I will definitly visit Camden Town again!
You can find more info about Camden Town *here*.

2 comment about "Camden Town":

August 9, 2010 at 7:37 PM

Oooow cool man die video's, ze hebben zelfs een corsettenwinkel(???) Awww wanneer gaan we? Tis iig een stuk goedkoper vliegen dan naar Harajuku.

August 9, 2010 at 8:08 PM

ja wacht ik moet ff sparen en dan gaan we, dan ga ik zo'n mooie jurk halen oooOOHHH K-K-KANAME SAMA XD

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